Renewals in Ireland
Patent Renewal Fees Ireland
Irish Patent Renewal Fee Schedule
For Patent Year | Patent Annual Fee |
3 | 60 |
4 | 90 |
5 | 114 |
6 | 134 |
7 | 150 |
8 | 176 |
9 | 194 |
10 | 220 |
11 | 242 |
12 | 265 |
13 | 285 |
14 | 311 |
15 | 335 |
16 | 356 |
17 | 382 |
18 | 408 |
19 | 438 |
20 | 468 |
Fees are listed in Euro.
Irish Patent Renewal Rules
Renewal Procedure and Patent Renewal Fees at the Irish Patents Office.
An informational summary of the patent renewal rules in place for Irish patents.
Renewal Years
Renewal of Irish patents is required annually from the third year from the patent filing date. The first two years are paid for on filing.
Renewal Dates & Payment Windows
As with other European countries, the renewal fee is due at the end of the month that holds the filing date anniversary. Payments can be made up to four months in advance if desired.
Late Payments
Applications can be made to make a late renewal payment up to six months after the official renewal date. In this case, a small but increasing monthly penalty fee must be paid as well as the due renewal fee. The fee is 11€ per month, accumulating for each of the first three months of this grace period, and the an additional 19€ per month between months four and six.
Short Term Patents
Note that these rules are for 20 years patents. It is also possible to register a Short Term Patent at the Irish Patents Office.
European Applications
As usual, if the original application was made through the European Patent Office (EPO), fees are not due to each of the country offices until after grant. During the application stage, fees are paid to the EPO only.
Maintaining Patents in Ireland
RenewalsDesk offers an easy to use, online service for managing your patents – both those in Ireland and other countries.
Check the dates of upcoming Irish patent renewals, get alerted and pay the patent renewal fees.
How it works
Add or upload your patents
See costs and due dates instantly
Receive reminders for upcoming fees
Make payment in your currency
Receive formal confirmation
Repeats until cancellation
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